Let’s start with something that all people everywhere should live by
Now let’s talk…
Integrity – Personal Responsibility – Hard Work
Let’s not lose our Friends and Family
This website was created for one purpose… not to change how people think but to understand why they think the way they do. Why are some so far left and some so far right. We don’t want to push any one direction. We all want to learn, and we want other people to learn.
The goal is to have a good debate based on three (or at least two) of the most fundamental ideals of what people hopefully live by: Integrity, Personal Responsibility and Hard Work. OK, Hard Work was added which is more of a byproduct. IPRHW is a key philosophy of how anybody in our country of opportunity can move themselves to success and happiness.
To learn from each other builds understanding, trust and sometimes we just agree to disagree.
How Do You Define Your Truths?
Excerpt from Dr. Frank Thomas manuscript For American Dream: When personal responsibility (Also known as Personal Capitol) is defined as a person’s “response-ability,” that is, the ability of a person to maturely respond to the various challenges and circumstances of life. When character is defined as a person’s moral or ethical quality, and the character of a person gives them advantages to respond to
the challenges of life. Personal Responsibility is the inner resources, assets, and advantages that one brings to the challenges and circumstances of life.
When personal capital is low, a person is a victim of circumstances, at the effect of life and not able to consciously and purposefully choose his or herown thoughts, feelings and actions. Victims typically identify themselves based upon attributes of powerlessness, dependency, entitlement, apathy, worry, fear, self-doubt, and the like. The victim lives at the effect of what happens around them and has little personal capital to, in response to the challenges of life or to choose and direct life’s direction and destiny.
Let’s start with the Websters Definition: The quality of being honest and fair; firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values.
Now Wikipedia: The practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one’s actions. Integrity can stand in opposition to hypocrisy, in that judging with the standards of integrity involves regarding internal consistency as a virtue and suggests that parties holding within themselves apparently conflicting values should account for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs.
Now Re-read “Personal Integrity” again.
Our Flag Ship Graphic that IPRHW designed is based on a cartoon that was created by one of the nations favorite patriots and polymaths, Ben Franklin. His contribution to our country is so full and rich. This cartoon was created back in 1754 when he knew that Pre-Americans had a real chance of forming a new nation away from tyranny. He was trying to communicate to the colonies that if we don’t JOIN (regardless of our differences) We Will DIE and never have a chance to build a new nation.
We are all currently in a similar situation now. Many people think that just because they think or feel different than the “Main Stream” they need to go against the fundamentals of what America is. Or what they think it is. America is one of the greatest and most open and welcoming countries in the world. (Even with our historical short coming that we continually fight to correct). All you have to do is look at the laws of other countries. America is still the most free and open to achieve success. The strength and unity of our country comes from the ability for all to speak freely and debate our differences peacefully.